Chris Radley
Approachable, reassuring, clear voice with authority. Voice Over for TV, radio, commercials, corporate narrations, explainer videos, IVR, training programmes and elearning.
Available on Source Connect, Source Nexus Free, Clean Feed, AudioTX (IP version) or remote direct via Zoom, Skype etc or phone
Ideal voice for TV or radio commercials, promos, TV and documentary narrations, corporate, training and information videos, VR presentations, e-learning projects, explainer videos, audiobooks and "on-hold" and IVR services.
I am a former Planet Rock radio presenter, local commercial radio presenter and an award winning Social Action broadcaster
(New York International Radio Festival)
You can embed up to 10 YouTube or Vimeo videos. They should demonstrate how clients are using your voice on their productions. This is primarily for agencies to share to their end clients, so please do not include videos you've created which explicitly promote your services.
TV - HF Holidays (TVC - 2 campaigns)
Narration: "Extraordinary Dogs" documentary series Channel 5.
On-line ads - Petronas Syntium, C3 Group, Del Monte (UAE), Stonemarket new products
Saab Seawolf
Narration: "Stonehenge" - Discovery
Several voices on "Gallipoli" (Aus, NZ and Turkish TV)
Radio commercials - many UK and overseas stations
Chris owns and runs a voice recording studio in the Midlands that specialises in voice-over and spoken word projects. You can find out more at
Chris is also a musician and songwriter. He has composed music for TV, video and radio - including commissioned for a TV ad for a well known international bank: and supplied commissioned music for the SKY music library and other production libraries.