Croatian voiceover artists

The Croatian language is a South Slavic language primarily spoken in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and neighboring regions of Serbia and Montenegro. It is the official language of Croatia and one of the official languages of the European Union. The Croatian standard language is based on the most widespread dialect, Shtokavian, which is also the basis for the standard forms of Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin.

Croatian uses the Latin script, unlike Serbian which also employs Cyrillic. Unique to Croatian are certain lexical differences, its use of the "ijekavian" pronunciation, and certain grammatical constructions.

Gojko speaks Croatian but also English. Great for native speaking commercials or English speaking for your stereotypical Bond villain! Not based in the UK. Usually 2 working days turnaround.
A native Croatian voice-over artist and actress, also fluent in English with a smooth, sensual and calming voice and versatile vocal style ranging from warm and sensual to playful, corporate and energetic.
Engaging friendly Croatian voiceover, also voices in English, Serbian and Bosnian. Popular with eLearning and online content in Croatian, and uplifting reads in English for global brands when they want to sound modern and worldly.
Braslav is an experienced artist with a rich, powerful voice. Great for commanding documentary reads and authoritative corporate pieces. Not UK based.
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