Urban and Gritty voices

'Urban and Gritty' voiceovers bring a raw, real edge to your content. They embody the spirit of the city streets, capturing the pulse and energy of the urban jungle. Often associated with toughness, resilience, and authenticity, these voices can add an impactful layer to your story.

If you're seeking to add a layer of authenticity, boldness, and street-smart charisma to your content, this style of voiceover could be the perfect fit.

Essex, Cockney, Eastender, Ray Winstone, Jason Statham, Lock Stock, Snatch, cheeky cabbie, white van man, builder, construction trade, contemporary London voice - from raw, real, edgy, tough and streetwise to clear and articulate.
Andy seamlessly transitions from profound gravitas to authentic boy-next-door charm to smooth, urban cool.
Simon has a trustworthy, down to earth voice for commercials (straight or quirky). Also sincere and approachable for corporate, plus a wide range of accents and characters.
Naturally talented character voiceover artist. Plus native husky London accented voiceovers.
Contemporary, Conversational, Cool, Deep, Friendly, Fresh, Relaxed, Smooth, Urban, Versatile, Youthful.
Award winning Black British voiceover artist. Warm, smooth and has gravitas. Powerful, rich, London sound.
Andy has a modern, engaging, credible sound, complemented by his London/South-East accent. His voice lends itself to relatable explainers and training audio, extending to more upbeat reads. Not local radio rate.
Sometimes warm, deep,smooth - other times bright, dynamic and friendly. Always authentic.
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